John Deere Original GreenStar™ Display (GSD4 / BrownBox) - Key Cards Mobile Processors etc
John Deere Original GreenStar™ Displays, KeyCards, Mobile Processors For Sale
(also known as: GSD4 or Brown Box Display)
Please read description of each item closely for what is included. Original GreenStar™ Displays do not work in every machine, it is the responsibility of the buyer to determine if the display will work in their own machines.
Brown Box Reminders
- Parallel Tracking is NOT AutoTrac - it only enables the display to show a straight line to follow by manually driving
- Activations CANNOT be moved around on KeyCards - they have been stuck there since 2009 and will forever be
- Some older displays with the white buttons may be 4.5v only and cannot be used on most machines or machines that have been updated from 4.5v to 2.5v
All display buttons, speaker, and screen have been tested and are all operational unless otherwise specified